DankMuzikk Logo


DrankMuzikk Logo


Create, share, vote and listen to music playlists.

GitHub - dankmuzikkmbaraa.com

What should you expect?

DankMuzikk is music player that plays music from YouTube but without actually using YouTube, you can create collaboritive playlists where anyone that has access to a playlist can upvote or downvote a song, in which it increases or decreases the song’s playing frequency when the playlist is randomly shuffled.


This application is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3), that is, this application is free to use for any purpose, it’s source-code is available on GitHub here for any purpose needed to look at the code, any redestribution of the application has to be under GPLv3 including license and copyright notices.
Full license is available here.


You can find details about privacy here.
TLDR; I don’t collect any data, not sure install uBlock and check trackers yourself or check the code on GitHub.

Technologies used


  • This project is not affiliated with YouTube or Google, or anyone to that matter in any sort of ways.

  • Colorscheme is inspired from @Dankpods
  • Loader’s CSS was made by @thamudi